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It’s the time of year where we enter a new year full of new year, new me culture. The holiday festivities have come to an end, and the winter blues start to kick in. 

The misconception that January is the month to start afresh for the new year, you should be on the top of your game, after a Holiday reset over Christmas and New Year, there should be no stopping you…

New year’s resolutions are set with good intentions – get outdoors more, get fit, be better at organising things, meeting deadlines, the list goes on. BUT these can all come with the pressure burden to ‘do better’, ‘be better’, alongside the fact that daylight hours are amongst their shortest, you can easily slip into the January Blues… longing for summer days, warmth and positivity.

That feel good Vitamin D hit you get from the sun is harder to achieve with many of us going to school/work in the dark and returning in the dark – grim. We have some great tips to beat those January blues, stay positive and keep motivated to have fun in the cold, wet and miserable weather that the winter can bring!


1. Weekends are to be cherished!

Make the most of your weekends, now more than ever. Gone are the days of those evening Sails/SUPs (unless you have night vision and a heart of steel), so we are big advocators to get outside whilst it is daylight – enter the weekend… Not only will you benefit from keeping doing your sport/hobbies, but you are guaranteed* to come back to work/school on Monday feeling fresher.

*Warning a long session on the water might leave you feeling tired, especially in the colder temperatures.


2. ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear’.

While it may sound cliché, the importance of proper gear cannot be overstated. Staying warm and comfortable enables you to enjoy and sustain your favourite activities. Winter sailing and paddling can offer invigorating experiences and unique perspectives. In the UK, winter conditions can provide the most exciting opportunities for sailing, so don’t let the cold stop you! Check out our layering guide or give our customer service team a call, who will be happy to talk you through your current gear and where you can make tweaks/upgrades to enhance your experience.


3. Don’t fancy hitting the water in the winter? Try a dry sport.

If the idea of braving freezing water temperatures doesn't appeal to you, consider trying a dry sport during the winter months. Engaging in alternative activities not only provides the benefits of exercise and endorphin release but also helps maintain your overall fitness for when you return to water sports in warmer weather. Remember, taking a break doesn't mean you'll forget how to sail or paddle… You will, however, notice the difference in fitness if you don’t do anything!


4. Don’t forget to look after number 1…

With all the pressures of the new year, it is important to look after yourself, and tune in to how you are feeling. We are massive advocators to get outside to feel better, but looking after yourself may also take the form of healthy habits, reading a book, watching the TV, listening to music, spending time away from the screen (or on the screen) – whatever works for you to chill out.


5. Plan your next adventure.

Inject excitement into the new year by planning your next adventure, whether it's a race, training camp, staycation, or holiday. Having something to look forward to can keep you motivated and energised.


6. Learn a new skill.

Use the winter months as an opportunity to enhance your sailing and paddling skills. Attend courses, delve into splicing techniques, explore tidal effects theory, or master knot tying. For inspiration, check out our YouTube channel.


Tackling the January and winter blues doesn't need to be difficult. Take advantage of outdoor activities, ensure you have appropriate gear, explore new hobbies, prioritise self-care, plan engaging adventures, and use the winter months to improve your skills… January blues will be but a fleeting challenge on your journey towards a fun packed year!


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