Kit Guide
Blog articles on recommendations and suggestions on purchasing and using the Rooster water sports kit.Categories
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Hints and Tips
Harmonised Rope Colours - Dream or Reality?
Standardisation of rope colours has been a hobby horse of mine for a very long time. I'm pretty sure it started when I used to swap boats with my mates to check out their rig or when stood on the shore, coaching. I would look down at perhaps 4 control lines and find that none were harmonised with the part of the boat they affected. Early on I standardised my control line colours and once I had the chance to influence what was available on the market, I made sure we offered Spectweleve™ Dyneema® and now Easysplice® for primary lines...
Steve's Blog
Protecting Your Assets - a Buyer's Guide for Spar and Foil Bags
Breathable Bags Putting your spars and foils into a cosy bag feels like the right thing to do. But if...